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This changelog contains the changes that took place in 2024 in chronological order.

29 Aug 2024 v1.27
Deployment DateEnvironment
29 Aug 2024UAT
29 Aug 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • GET /accounts/{account_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by account id
    • Paging sizing to change from 500 to 50
    • Adding enum values AccountLoad, CashLoad, CreditCardLoad, DebitCardLoad, VoucherLoad, SepaIncomingPayment and SepaOutgoingPayment in property processing_code_type which will be returned according to the transaction codes used in the credit and debit endpoints (currently these have only been added in the documentation, they will be returned in the endpoint responses in a future release).
  • GET /cards/{card_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by card id
    • Paging sizing to change from 500 to 50
    • Adding enum values AccountLoad, CashLoad, CreditCardLoad, DebitCardLoad, VoucherLoad, SepaIncomingPayment and SepaOutgoingPayment in property processing_code_type which will be returned according to the transaction codes used in the credit and debit endpoints (currently these have only been added in the documentation, they will be returned in the endpoint responses in a future release).
  • GET /accounts/{account_id}/transactions/{transaction_id} - Retrieve transaction details by account id and transaction id
    • Adding enum values AccountLoad, CashLoad, CreditCardLoad, DebitCardLoad, VoucherLoad, SepaIncomingPayment and SepaOutgoingPayment in property processing_code_type which will be returned according to the transaction codes used in the credit and debit endpoints (currently these have only been added in the documentation, they will be returned in the endpoint responses in a future release).
  • GET /corporate/accounts/{corporate_account_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by corproate account id
    • Paging sizing to change from 500 to 50
    • Adding enum values AccountLoad, CashLoad, CreditCardLoad, DebitCardLoad, VoucherLoad, SepaIncomingPayment, SepaOutgoingPayment, SepaIncomingPaymentAdjustment and SepaOutgoingPaymentAdjustment in property processing_code_type which will be returned according to the transaction codes used in the credit and debit endpoints (currently these have only been added in the documentation, they will be returned in the endpoint responses in a future release).
  • GET /corporate/accounts/{account_id}/transactions/{transaction_id} - Retrieve transaction details by corproate account id and transaction id
    • Adding enum values AccountLoad, CashLoad, CreditCardLoad, DebitCardLoad, VoucherLoad, SepaIncomingPayment, SepaOutgoingPayment, SepaIncomingPaymentAdjustment and SepaOutgoingPaymentAdjustment in property processing_code_type which will be returned according to the transaction codes used in the credit and debit endpoints (currently these have only been added in the documentation, they will be returned in the endpoint responses in a future release).
20 Aug 2024 v1.26
Deployment DateEnvironment
20 Aug 2024UAT
20 Aug 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /accounts/{account_id}/credit - Credit the account id
    • Adding new optional property transaction_code with regular expression ^(?:[Aa]ccount[Ll]oad|[Cc]redit[Cc]ard[Ll]oad|[Dd]ebit[Cc]ard[Ll]oad|[Cc]ash[Ll]oad|[Ss]epa[Ii]ncoming[Pp]ayment|[Ss]epa[Oo]utgoing[Pp]ayment|[Vv]oucher[Ll]oad)$, which will represent the type of credit that is being credited onto the customer account
  • POST /accounts/{account_id}/debit - Debit the account id
    • Adding new optional property transaction_code with regular expression ^(?:[Aa]ccount[Ll]oad|[Cc]redit[Cc]ard[Ll]oad|[Dd]ebit[Cc]ard[Ll]oad|[Cc]ash[Ll]oad|[Ss]epa[Ii]ncoming[Pp]ayment|[Ss]epa[Oo]utgoing[Pp]ayment|[Vv]oucher[Ll]oad)$, which will represent the type of debit that is being debited onto the customer account
31 Jul 2024 v1.25
Deployment DateEnvironment
30 Jul 2024UAT
31 Jul 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers - Create new customer
    • Regular expression of properties first_name and last_name in CreateCardRequest model was updated to ^(?!.*(?:^|\s|$)[^0-9_!¡?÷¿\/\\+=@#$%ˆ&*(){}|~<>;:[\]]{1}(?:^|\s|$))[^0-9_!¡?÷¿\/\\+=@#$%ˆ&*(){}|~<>;:[\]]{1,50}$
    • Regular expression of properties landline_number and mobile_number in CreateCardRequest model was updated to ^\+[1-9]\d{7,14}$
    • Regular expression of property phone in CreateRecoveryRequest model was updated to ^\+[1-9]\d{7,14}$
  • GET /customers/{customer_id} - Retrieve customer details by customer_id
    • Regular expression of properties first_name and last_name in InquiryCustomerResponse model was updated to ^(?!.*(?:^|\s|$)[^0-9_!¡?÷¿\/\\+=@#$%ˆ&*(){}|~<>;:[\]]{1}(?:^|\s|$))[^0-9_!¡?÷¿\/\\+=@#$%ˆ&*(){}|~<>;:[\]]{1,50}$
    • Regular expression of property number in PhoneExchange model was updated to ^\+[1-9]\d{7,14}$
  • PATCH /customers/{customer_id} - Update customer details by customer_id
    • Regular expression of properties first_name and last_name in UpdateCustomerResponse model was updated to ^(?!.*(?:^|\s|$)[^0-9_!¡?÷¿\/\\+=@#$%ˆ&*(){}|~<>;:[\]]{1}(?:^|\s|$))[^0-9_!¡?÷¿\/\\+=@#$%ˆ&*(){}|~<>;:[\]]{1,50}$
  • PATCH /customers/{customer_id}/phones - Update customer phones by customer_id
    • Regular expression of property number in PhoneExchange model was updated to ^\+[1-9]\d{7,14}$
29 Jul 2024 v1.24
Deployment DateEnvironment
29 Jul 2024UAT
29 Jul 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /accounts/{account_id}/credit - Credit the account id
    • Property fee_amount was removed from model CreditDebitRequest
  • POST /accounts/{account_id}/debit - Debit the account id
    • Property fee_amount was removed from model CreditDebitRequest
  • POST /accounts/{account_id}/transfer/{creditor_account_id} - Transfer funds from account_id to creditor_account_id
    • Property fee_amount was removed from model CreditDebitRequest
22 Jul 2024 v1.23
Deployment DateEnvironment
22 Jul 2024UAT
22 Jul 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /accounts/{account_id}/outgoing-credit-transfer - Initiate SCT payment
    • Regular expression of property end_to_end_id in OutgoingCreditTransferRequest model was updated to ^[A-Za-z0-9]{1,18}$
12 Jul 2024 v1.22
Deployment DateEnvironment
15 Jul 2024UAT
17 Jul 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers - Create new customer
    • Regular expression of properties emboss_name and emboss_fourth_line in CreateCardRequest model was updated to ^[A-Z -.]{1,21}$
    • Property delivery_method in CreateCardRequest model was changed from type enum to string
    • Added new properties user_defined_1, user_defined_2, user_defined_3 and user_defined_4 to the CreateCardRequest model which are used for the card vendor
    • Property kyc_level in CreateCustomerRequest model was changed from type enum to string
    • Property account_identifier_status in CreateAccountResponse model was changed from type enum to string
  • POST /customers/{customer_id}/cards - Create a new card for a customer by customer_id
    • Regular expression of properties emboss_name and emboss_fourth_line in CreateCardRequest model was updated to ^[A-Z -.]{1,21}$
    • Property delivery_method in CreateCardRequest model was changed from type enum to string
    • Added new properties user_defined_1, user_defined_2, user_defined_3 and user_defined_4 to the CreateCardRequest model which are used for the card vendor
  • POST /customers/{customer_id}/accounts - Create a new account for a customer by customer_id
    • Property account_identifier_status in CreateAccountResponse model was changed from type enum to string
10 Jul 2024 v1.21
Deployment DateEnvironment
10 Jul 2024UAT
10 Jul 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers - Create new customer
    • Property kyc_level in the CreateCustomerRequest model will be set to required
3 Jul 2024 v1.20
Deployment DateEnvironment
3 Jul 2024UAT
3 Jul 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /corporate - Creates a new corporate
    • Properties tax_residency and address was set to required
  • POST /corporates/{corporate_id}/individual - Create a new corporate individual
    • Property residence_country was set to required
27 Jun 2024 v1.19
Deployment DateEnvironment
27 Jun 2024UAT
27 Jun 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers - Create new customer
    • Added property assign_account_identifier in the CreateAccountRequest model
    • Added property account_identifier_status in the CreateAccountResponse model
  • POST /customers/{customer_id}/accounts - Create new accounts
    • Added property assign_account_identifier in the CreateAccountRequest model
    • Added property account_identifier_status in the CreateAccountResponse model
25 Jun 2024 v1.18
Deployment DateEnvironment
25 Jun 2024UAT
25 Jun 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers - Create new customer
    • Added property kyc_level in the CreateCustomerRequest model which is currently not required
  • GET /customers/{customer_id} - Retrieve customer details by customer_id
    • Added property kyc_level in the InquiryCustomerResponse
21 Jun 2024 v1.17
Deployment DateEnvironment
21 Jun 2024UAT
21 Jun 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /corporate _- Creates a new corporate.
    • Added the properties tax_residency and address in the request model which are currently not required
  • POST /corporates/{corporate_id}/individual _- Create a new corporate individual
    • Added the property residence_country in the request model which are currently not required
  • GET /corporates/{corporate_id} _- Retrieve the details of a corporate by Id.
    • Added the properties tax_residency and address in the response model
    • Added the property residence_country to the InquireCorporateIndividualResponse model
28 May 2024 v1.16
Deployment DateEnvironment
28 May 2024UAT
28 May 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • GET /accounts/{account_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by account id
    • Property account_currency can return a null value
    • Property response_code response type will change from enum TransactionResponseCode to string
    • Adding property cardholder_id which will represent the cardholder Id that the card belongs to
  • GET /cards/{card_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by card id
    • Property account_currency can return a null value
    • Property response_code response type will change from enum TransactionResponseCode to string
    • Adding property cardholder_id which will represent the cardholder Id that the card belongs to
  • GET /accounts/{account_id}/transactions/{transaction_id} - Retrieve all the details of a transactions by account id and transaction id
    • Property account_currency can return a null value
    • Property response_code response type will change from enum TransactionResponseCode to string
    • Adding property cardholder_id which will represent the cardholder Id that the card belongs to
    • Adding property posting_response_code which will provide more details of a reversed or force post transaction
    • Removing property network_response_code
  • GET /corporate/accounts/{corporate_account_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by corproate account id
    • Property account_currency can return a null value
    • Property response_code response type will change from enum TransactionResponseCode to string
  • GET /corporate/accounts/{corporate_account_id}/transactions/{transaction_id} - Retrieve all the details of a transactions by corporate account Id and transaction id
    • Property account_currency can return a null value
    • Property response_code response type will change from enum TransactionResponseCode to string
    • Removing property network_response_code
6 May 2024 v1.15
Deployment DateEnvironment
10 May 2024UAT
10 May 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • GET /accounts/{account_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by account id
    • Making properties page_number and page_size mandatory in the response model
  • GET /cards/{card_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by card id
    • Making properties page_number and page_size mandatory in the response model
  • GET /corporate/accounts/{corporate_account_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by corproate account id
    • Making properties page_number and page_size mandatory in the response model
3 May 2024 v1.14

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /accounts/{account_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by account Id
    • Added the properties page_number and page_size in the response model
    • Added the property transactions instead of an generic array in the response model
  • POST /cards/{card_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by card Id
    • Added the properties page_number and page_size in the response model
    • Added the property transactions instead of an generic array in the response model
  • POST /corporate/accounts/{corporate_account_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by corproate account Id
    • Added the properties page_number and page_size in the response model
    • Added the property transactions instead of an generic array in the response model
22 April 2024 v1.13
Deployment DateEnvironment
25 April 2024UAT
25 April 2024Production

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers - Create new customer
    • In past versions, this endpoint was almost always returning http status code 200, irrelevant of whether the accounts and cards provided where created or not. Going forward, the below changes will occur:
      • If the customer is created successfully and all OR partial from the array of accounts and cards provided were created successfully, http status code 206 will be returned and in the response body, only the accounts and cards that were created successfully will be displayed
      • In the response model, a new property request_position_index will be returned which will reflect the position of the accounts and card in the request body received
      • In the CreateCardRequest model, property accounts will be removed
  • POST /customers/{customer_id}/accounts - Create new accounts for a customer by customer_id
    • In past versions, this endpoint was almost always returning http status code 200, irrelevant of whether the accounts where created or not. Going forward, the below changes will occur:
      • If all accounts fail to be created, an errorous http status code will be returned
      • In the response model, a new property request_position_index will be returned which will reflect the position of the account in the request body received
      • If only partial from the array of accounts provided were created successfully, http status code 206 will be returned and in the response body, only the accounts that were created successfully will be displayed
  • POST /customers/{customer_id}/cards - Create new cards for a customer by customer_id
    • In past versions, this endpoint was almost always returning http status code 200, irrelevant of whether the cards where created or not. Going forward, the below changes will occur:
      • If all cards fail to be created, an errorous http status code will be returned
      • In the response model, a new property request_position_index will be returned which will reflect the position of the card in the request body received
      • If only partial from the array of cards provided were created successfully, http status code 206 will be returned and in the response body, only the cards that were created successfully will be displayed
      • In the CreateCardRequest model, property accounts will be removed
  • GET /cards/{card_id} - Retrieve card details by card_id
    • Removing property accounts from the InquiryCardResponse model
08 April 2024 v1.12

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /control/spend - Add a control spend group
    • Added property is_enabled in the SpendConfigurationExchange model
  • Get /control/spend/{id} - Retrieves a control spend group by id
    • Added property is_enabled in the SpendConfigurationExchange model
20 March 2024 v1.11

Modified endpoints:

  • GET /accounts/{account_id}/transactions/{transaction_id} - Retrieve transaction details by account_id and transaction_id
    • Removed property merchant_id in model TransactionDetailedResponse
    • Added property card_acceptor_id in model TransactionDetailedResponse
  • GET /customers/{customer_id} - Retrieve customer details by customer_id
    • Added property account_identifier in model InquiryAccountResponse
14 March 2024 v1.10

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers - Create new customer
    • Removed properties yearly_income, monthly_spend, monthly_load and net_worth from the CreateRiskProfileRequest model
    • Regular expression of property profession in CreateRiskProfileRequest model was updated to ^(?:Director_Owner|Executive|Manager|Employee_Worker|SelfEmployed|Student|Retiree|Unemployed|TemporaryEmployee)$
    • Regular expression of property account_purpose in CreateRiskProfileRequest model was updated to ^(?:ReceiveSocialWelfare|ReceiveSalary|PayBills|PersonalExpenses|BusinessIncome|MoneyTransfers|Abroad|Gaming_Betting|POSPurchases|Savings|Cryptocurrency|TravelExpenses|BusinessExpenses)$
    • Regular expression of property monthly_income in CreateRiskProfileRequest model was updated to ^(?:LessThan500|501To1000|1001To1500|1501To2000|2001To3000|GreaterThan3000)$
  • GET /customers/{customer_id} - Retrieve customer details by customer_id
    • Removed properties yearly_income, monthly_spend, monthly_load and net_worth from the InquiryRiskProfileResponse model
    • Regular expression of property profession in InquiryRiskProfileResponse model was updated to ^(?:Director_Owner|Executive|Manager|Employee_Worker|SelfEmployed|Student|Retiree|Unemployed|TemporaryEmployee)$
    • Regular expression of property account_purpose in InquiryRiskProfileResponse model was updated to ^(?:ReceiveSocialWelfare|ReceiveSalary|PayBills|PersonalExpenses|BusinessIncome|MoneyTransfers|Abroad|Gaming_Betting|POSPurchases|Savings|Cryptocurrency|TravelExpenses|BusinessExpenses)$
    • Regular expression of property monthly_income in InquiryRiskProfileResponse model was updated to ^(?:LessThan500|501To1000|1001To1500|1501To2000|2001To3000|GreaterThan3000)$
  • PATCH /customers/{customer_id} - Update a customer by customer_id
    • Removed properties yearly_income, monthly_spend, monthly_load and net_worth from the UpdateRiskProfileRequest model
    • Regular expression of property profession in UpdateRiskProfileRequest model was updated to ^(?:Director_Owner|Executive|Manager|Employee_Worker|SelfEmployed|Student|Retiree|Unemployed|TemporaryEmployee)$
    • Regular expression of property account_purpose in UpdateRiskProfileRequest model was updated to ^(?:ReceiveSocialWelfare|ReceiveSalary|PayBills|PersonalExpenses|BusinessIncome|MoneyTransfers|Abroad|Gaming_Betting|POSPurchases|Savings|Cryptocurrency|TravelExpenses|BusinessExpenses)$
    • Regular expression of property monthly_income in UpdateRiskProfileRequest model was updated to ^(?:LessThan500|501To1000|1001To1500|1501To2000|2001To3000|GreaterThan3000)$
12 March 2024 v1.9

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /control/spend - Add a control spend group
    • Removed properties merchant and card_acceptor in the SpendConfigurationExchange model
    • Added properties merchant_category_codes, merchant_ids, terminal_locations and terminal_ids in the SpendConfigurationExchange model
  • Get /control/spend/{id} - Retrieves a control spend group by id
    • Removed properties merchant and card_acceptor in the SpendConfigurationExchange model
    • Added properties merchant_category_codes, merchant_ids, terminal_locations and terminal_ids in the SpendConfigurationExchange model
  • PATCH /control/spend/{id} - Update a control spend group by id
    • Removed properties merchant and card_acceptor in the SpendConfigurationExchange model
    • Added properties merchant_category_codes, merchant_ids, terminal_locations and terminal_ids in the SpendConfigurationExchange model
09 February 2024 v1.8

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers - Create new customer
    • Added property line_3 to the AddressExchange model which will represent the third line in the address
    • Added property cardholder_id to the CreateCardResponse model which will represent the cardholder id of the card created
    • Added new properties emboss_fourth_line, contact_name, contact_number and delivery_method to the CreateCardRequest model which are used for card printing
  • POST /customers/{customer_id}/cards - Create a new card for a customer by customer_id
    • Added property line_3 to the AddressExchange model which will represent the third line in the address
    • Added property cardholder_id to the CreateCardResponse model which will represent the cardholder id of the card created
    • Added new properties emboss_fourth_line, contact_name, contact_number and delivery_method to the CreateCardRequest model which are used for card printing
  • PATCH /customers/{customer_id}/addresses - Update a customer address by customer_id
    • Added property line_3 to the UpdateAddressRequest model which will represent the third line in the address
  • GET /customers/{customer_id} - Retrieve customer details by customer_id
    • Added property line_3 to the AddressExchange model which will represent the third line in the address
    • Added property cardholder_id to the InquiryCustomerCardResponse model which will represent the cardholder id of the card created
    • Added property created_date to the InquiryCustomerResponse model which will represent the cardholder id of the card created
  • GET /customers/{customer_id}/cards/{card_id} - Retrieve card details by customer_id and card_id
    • Added property line_3 to the AddressExchange model which will represent the third line in the address
    • Added new properties cardholder_id, delivery_address, emboss_fourth_line, contact_name, contact_number and delivery_method to the InquiryCardResponse model
11 January 2024 v1.7

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers - Create new customer
    • Added property delivery_address to the CreateCustomerRequest model which will represent the address to where the card will be delivered
  • POST /customers/{customer_id}/cards - Create a new card for a customer by customer_id
    • Added property delivery_address to the CreateCardRequest model which will represent the address to where the card will be delivered