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This changelog contains the changes that took place in 2023 in chronological order.

16 November 2023 v1.6

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers - Create new customer
    • Updated regular expression of property identifications.type in the CreateCustomerRequest model from ^(?:[Pp]assport|[Ii]dentity[Cc]ard)$ to ^(?:[Nn]ational[Ii]dentity|[Ff]oreigner[Ii]dentity|[Ee]uropean[Ii]dentity|[Pp]assport)$
  • PATCH /customers/{customer_id}/identifications - Update the identification of a customer by customer_id
    • Updated regular expression of property type in the UpdateIdentificationRequest model from ^(?:[Pp]assport|[Ii]dentity[Cc]ard)$ to ^(?:[Nn]ational[Ii]dentity|[Ff]oreigner[Ii]dentity|[Ee]uropean[Ii]dentity|[Pp]assport)$
  • GET /customers/{customer_id} - Retrieve a customer by customer_id
    • Updated regular expression of property identifications.type in the InquiryCustomerRequest model from ^(?:[Pp]assport|[Ii]dentity[Cc]ard)$ to ^(?:[Nn]ational[Ii]dentity|[Ff]oreigner[Ii]dentity|[Ee]uropean[Ii]dentity|[Pp]assport)$
31 October 2023 v1.5

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers - Create new customer
    • Renamed property programme_code to product_code in the CreateCustomerRequest model
  • GET /customers/{customer_id} - Retrieve a customer by customer_id
    • Renamed property programme_code to product_code in the InquiryCustomerResponse model
  • POST /control/spend - Add a control spend group
    • Renamed property programme_code to product_code in the SpendResponse model
  • PATCH /control/spend - Update a control spend group
    • Renamed property programme_code to product_code in the SpendResponse model
  • Get /control/spend/{control_spend_name} - Retrieves a control spend group
    • Renamed property programme_code to product_code in the SpendResponse model
  • GET accounts/{account_id}/control/spend - Retrieves the control spend of an account by account_id
    • Renamed property programme_code to product_code in the SpendResponse model
  • POST /accounts/{account_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by account Id
    • Added the property authorization_code in the response model
    • Added the property account_currency in the response model
    • Added the property response_code in the response model
    • Added the property financial_impact_type in the response model
    • Added the property processing_code_type in the response model
  • POST /cards/{card_id}/transactions - Retrieve all transactions by card Id
    • Added the property authorization_code in the response model
    • Added the property account_currency in the response model
    • Added the property response_code in the response model
    • Added the property financial_impact_type in the response model
    • Added the property processing_code_type in the response model
02 October 2023 v1.4

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /account/{account_id}/credit - Credit an account
    • Property transaction_id in the request model was changed from type int to string; and its regex was updated to: ^[A-Za-z0-9]{1,6}$
  • POST /account/{account_id}/debit - Debit an account
    • Property transaction_id in the request model was changed from type int to string; and its regex was updated to: ^[A-Za-z0-9]{1,6}$
  • POST /account/{account_id}/credit/fee - Credit a fee on an account
    • Property transaction_id in the request model was changed from type int to string; and its regex was updated to: ^[A-Za-z0-9]{1,6}$
  • POST /account/{account_id}/debit/fee - Debit a fee from an account
    • Property transaction_id in the request model was changed from type int to string; and its regex was updated to: ^[A-Za-z0-9]{1,6}$
  • POST /account/{account_id}/transfer/{creditor_account_id} - Transfer funds from an account to another
    • Property transaction_id in the request model was changed from type int to string; and its regex was updated to: ^[A-Za-z0-9]{1,6}$
08 August 2023 v1.3

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers/{customer_id}/accounts - Create new accounts
    • Regex for property currency was updated to support ISO 4217 alphabetic codes
  • POST /customers - Create new customer
    • Added the property programme_code in the CreateCustomerRequest model
    • Removed the property distributor_code from the CreateCustomerRequest model
  • POST /customers/{customer_id}/cards - Create new cards
    • Removed the property bin from the CreateCustomerRequest model
  • GET /customers/{customer_id} - Retrieve a customer by customer_id
    • Added the property programme_code in the InquiryCustomerResponse model
    • Removed the property distributor_code from the InquiryCustomerResponse model
  • POST /control/spend - Add a control spend group
    • Added the property programme_code in the SpendResponse model
    • Removed the property bin from the SpendResponse model
  • PATCH /control/spend - Update a control spend group
    • Added the property programme_code in the SpendResponse model
    • Removed the property bin from the SpendResponse model
  • Get /control/spend/{control_spend_name} - Retrieves a control spend group
    • Added the property programme_code in the SpendResponse model
    • Removed the property bin from the SpendResponse model
  • GET accounts/{account_id}/control/spend - Retrieves the control spend of an account by account_id
    • Added the property programme_code in the SpendResponse model
    • Removed the property bin from the SpendResponse model
12 June 2023 v1.2

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /accounts/{account_id}/transactions/{transaction_id} - Retrieve a transaction by account Id and transaction Id
    • Added the property terminal_currency in the response model
24 April 2023 v1.1

Modified endpoints:

  • POST /customers - Create a customer
    • Added the property nationality in the Identification model
    • Response model was updated to provide additional information
  • POST /customers/{customer_id}/accounts - Create new accounts
    • Response model was updated to provide additional information
  • POST /customers/{customer_id}/cards - Create new cards
    • Response model was updated to provide additional information
  • POST /account/{account_id}/credit - Credit an account
    • Added properties fee_amount, terminal, location, city, state and country in the request model
  • POST /account/{account_id}/debit - Debit an account
    • Added properties fee_amount, terminal, location, city, state and country in the request model
  • POST /account/{account_id}/credit/fee - Credit a fee on an account
    • Added properties terminal, location, city, state and country in the request model
  • POST /account/{account_id}/debit/fee - Debit a fee from an account
    • Added properties terminal, location, city, state and country in the request model
  • POST /account/{account_id}/transfer/{creditor_account_id} - Transfer funds from an account to another
    • Property creditor_account was removed from the body and is to be passed via a parameter in the URL
    • Added properties terminal, location, city, state and country in the request model