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Error Codes

The table provides a list of error code returned from the API:

CodeDescriptionHTTP Status Code
4000001The request payload that has have provided is incorrect.BadRequest
4000002The header X-Unique-Id is required and must match the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9-._]{10,36}$.BadRequest
4000003A username must be provided and must match the regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]{8,30}$.BadRequest
4000004The client_key property must match the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9_]{6,35}$.BadRequest
4000005The client_id property must match the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9]{32}$.BadRequest
4009900The request body that has been submitted is incorrect.BadRequest
4009901The request parameters that has been submitted is incorrect.BadRequest
4009999A 4XX error occurred on the gateway while attempted to communicate with the intended resources.BadRequest
4010001Username and/or password provided are not correct or token is invalid.Unauthorized
4010002Unauthorized Api key.Unauthorized
4019900Not authorized to submit request.Unauthorized
4030001Forbidden to access requested resource.Forbidden
4030002Forbidden to complete request due to invalid/missing configuration.Forbidden
4039900Access is denied to submit request.Forbidden
4039901Bearer authentication token provided is expired.Forbidden
4039902The header X-Api-Key is required.Forbidden
4039903Signiture provided is invalid.Forbidden
4039904Bearer authentication token is required.Forbidden
4039905Request has been filtered by WAF.Forbidden
4040001Data attempted to be retrieved does not exist.NotFound
4049900The attempted requested resource does not exist.NotFound
4090001The header X-Unique-Id provided is not unique.Conflict
4090002The request with the same data has already been processed.Conflict
4139900Requested entity is too large.RequestEntityTooLarge
4159900Media type provided is not supported.UnsupportedMediaType
4299900The quota has been exceeded.TooManyRequests
4299901Too many requests have been submitted concurrently.TooManyRequests
4220001The given data is invalid.UnprocessableEntity
4220002Customer status must be in an active state for the request to complete.UnprocessableEntity
4220003Account status must be in an active state for the request to complete.UnprocessableEntity
4220004Card status must be in an active state for the request to complete.UnprocessableEntity
4220005Request could not be processed due to missing mandatory information.UnprocessableEntity
4225053The yearly maximum amount of transactions will exceed the limit configured.UnprocessableEntity
4225054The monthly maximum amount of transactions will exceed the limit configured.UnprocessableEntity
4225055The weekly maximum amount of transactions will exceed the limit configured.UnprocessableEntity
4225056The daily maximum amount of transactions will exceed the limit configured.UnprocessableEntity
4225057The hourly maximum amount of transactions will exceed the limit configured.UnprocessableEntity
4225058The yearly maximum number of transactions will exceed the limit configured.UnprocessableEntity
4225059The monthly maximum number of transactions will exceed the limit configured.UnprocessableEntity
4225060The weekly maximum number of transactions will exceed the limit configured.UnprocessableEntity
4225061The daily maximum number of transactions will exceed the limit configured.UnprocessableEntity
4225062The hourly maximum number of transactions will exceed the limits configured.UnprocessableEntity
4225064Account balance does not have sufficient funds to complete the request.UnprocessableEntity
4225074The transaction maximum amount will exceed the limit configured.UnprocessableEntity
4225073The transaction minimum amount has not reached the limit configured.UnprocessableEntity
4245001Request was not completed successfully due to a dependant component returned an unsuccessful response.FailedDependency
4245002Request was not completed successfully due to a dependant component returned an unsuccessful response.FailedDependency
4245003Request was not completed successfully due to a dependant component returned an unsuccessful response.FailedDependency
4245004Request was not completed successfully due to a dependant component returned an unsuccessful response.FailedDependency
5000001The server was unable to complete the request.InternalServerError
5009900The server was unable to complete the request due to incorrect Api configurations.InternalServerError
5009901The server was unable to complete the request due to authorizer configuration error.InternalServerError
5009902The server was unable to complete the request due to authorizer failure.InternalServerError
5009999A 5XX error occurred on the gateway while attempted to communicate with the intended resources.InternalServerError
5030001Service is unavailable due to undergoing maintenance.ServiceUnavailable
5049900The gateway timed out while attempted to communicate with the intended resources.GatewayTimeout
5049901The gateway timed out while waiting for a response from the intended resources.GatewayTimeout

The following response is an example of when the API returns an error:

"code": 5000001

To retrieve further information on the error code that the API returned, you can follow here.

The below is an example to retrieve the error code information:


curl -X 'GET'  ''   -H 'accept: application/json'  -H 'X-Unique-Id: a..z' -H 'x-api-key: a..z' -H 'Authorization: Bearer a..z'


"code": 5000001,
"detail": "The server was unable to complete the request.",
"status_code": 500

The below example retrieves the list of error codes including their description: Request

curl -X 'GET'  ''   -H 'accept: application/json'  -H 'X-Unique-Id: a..z' -H 'x-api-key: a..z' -H 'Authorization: Bearer a..z'

The return is a json body with an array of error codes and description.

IMPORTANT: It is suggested to make one request per day on the errorcodes endpoint. Error codes and their details only change a handful per month.