Error Codes
The table provides a list of error code returned from the API:
Code | Description | HTTP Status Code |
4000001 | The request payload that has have provided is incorrect. | BadRequest |
4000002 | The header X-Unique-Id is required and must match the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9-._]{10,36}$. | BadRequest |
4000003 | A username must be provided and must match the regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]{8,30}$. | BadRequest |
4000004 | The client_key property must match the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9_]{6,35}$. | BadRequest |
4000005 | The client_id property must match the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9]{32}$. | BadRequest |
4009900 | The request body that has been submitted is incorrect. | BadRequest |
4009901 | The request parameters that has been submitted is incorrect. | BadRequest |
4009999 | A 4XX error occurred on the gateway while attempted to communicate with the intended resources. | BadRequest |
4010001 | Username and/or password provided are not correct or token is invalid. | Unauthorized |
4010002 | Unauthorized Api key. | Unauthorized |
4019900 | Not authorized to submit request. | Unauthorized |
4030001 | Forbidden to access requested resource. | Forbidden |
4030002 | Forbidden to complete request due to invalid/missing configuration. | Forbidden |
4039900 | Access is denied to submit request. | Forbidden |
4039901 | Bearer authentication token provided is expired. | Forbidden |
4039902 | The header X-Api-Key is required. | Forbidden |
4039903 | Signiture provided is invalid. | Forbidden |
4039904 | Bearer authentication token is required. | Forbidden |
4039905 | Request has been filtered by WAF. | Forbidden |
4040001 | Data attempted to be retrieved does not exist. | NotFound |
4049900 | The attempted requested resource does not exist. | NotFound |
4090001 | The header X-Unique-Id provided is not unique. | Conflict |
4090002 | The request with the same data has already been processed. | Conflict |
4139900 | Requested entity is too large. | RequestEntityTooLarge |
4159900 | Media type provided is not supported. | UnsupportedMediaType |
4299900 | The quota has been exceeded. | TooManyRequests |
4299901 | Too many requests have been submitted concurrently. | TooManyRequests |
4220001 | The given data is invalid. | UnprocessableEntity |
4220002 | Customer status must be in an active state for the request to complete. | UnprocessableEntity |
4220003 | Account status must be in an active state for the request to complete. | UnprocessableEntity |
4220004 | Card status must be in an active state for the request to complete. | UnprocessableEntity |
4220005 | Request could not be processed due to missing mandatory information. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225053 | The yearly maximum amount of transactions will exceed the limit configured. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225054 | The monthly maximum amount of transactions will exceed the limit configured. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225055 | The weekly maximum amount of transactions will exceed the limit configured. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225056 | The daily maximum amount of transactions will exceed the limit configured. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225057 | The hourly maximum amount of transactions will exceed the limit configured. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225058 | The yearly maximum number of transactions will exceed the limit configured. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225059 | The monthly maximum number of transactions will exceed the limit configured. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225060 | The weekly maximum number of transactions will exceed the limit configured. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225061 | The daily maximum number of transactions will exceed the limit configured. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225062 | The hourly maximum number of transactions will exceed the limits configured. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225064 | Account balance does not have sufficient funds to complete the request. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225074 | The transaction maximum amount will exceed the limit configured. | UnprocessableEntity |
4225073 | The transaction minimum amount has not reached the limit configured. | UnprocessableEntity |
4245001 | Request was not completed successfully due to a dependant component returned an unsuccessful response. | FailedDependency |
4245002 | Request was not completed successfully due to a dependant component returned an unsuccessful response. | FailedDependency |
4245003 | Request was not completed successfully due to a dependant component returned an unsuccessful response. | FailedDependency |
4245004 | Request was not completed successfully due to a dependant component returned an unsuccessful response. | FailedDependency |
5000001 | The server was unable to complete the request. | InternalServerError |
5009900 | The server was unable to complete the request due to incorrect Api configurations. | InternalServerError |
5009901 | The server was unable to complete the request due to authorizer configuration error. | InternalServerError |
5009902 | The server was unable to complete the request due to authorizer failure. | InternalServerError |
5009999 | A 5XX error occurred on the gateway while attempted to communicate with the intended resources. | InternalServerError |
5030001 | Service is unavailable due to undergoing maintenance. | ServiceUnavailable |
5049900 | The gateway timed out while attempted to communicate with the intended resources. | GatewayTimeout |
5049901 | The gateway timed out while waiting for a response from the intended resources. | GatewayTimeout |
The following response is an example of when the API returns an error:
"code": 5000001
To retrieve further information on the error code that the API returned, you can follow here.
The below is an example to retrieve the error code information:
curl -X 'GET' '' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'X-Unique-Id: a..z' -H 'x-api-key: a..z' -H 'Authorization: Bearer a..z'
"code": 5000001,
"detail": "The server was unable to complete the request.",
"status_code": 500
The below example retrieves the list of error codes including their description: Request
curl -X 'GET' '' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'X-Unique-Id: a..z' -H 'x-api-key: a..z' -H 'Authorization: Bearer a..z'
The return is a json body with an array of error codes and description.
IMPORTANT: It is suggested to make one request per day on the errorcodes endpoint. Error codes and their details only change a handful per month.